Looking to Sell
Selling your home is a big job. Contrary to popular belief there is a lot more to it than throwing a sign on your front lawn and waiting for the phone to ring. To start off you have to price your home correctly, this is done through careful analysis of the comparable homes in your area. The currently listed and the recently sold homes and compared based on similar attributes, features and characteristics. From this a suggested list price is calculated and probable sale price is formulated based on what the homes market value would be.
What is market value? Market value is the amount for which something can be sold on a given market. Fair market value is the selling price for an item to which a buyer and seller can agree upon. Ultimately fair market value will be the price your home sells for.
Sellers often worry they will under price their home but the far more likely scenario is the problem of over pricing. In a fair market, under pricing is essentially impossible to do because if the item being sold is marketed properly you will have multiple Buyers recognizing the home has been priced below market value and you will have multiple Buyers competing for the same property thus pushing up the price to ” fair market value”. By marketing and exposing your home to the largest amount of qualified buyers possible you will ensure you get the top price attainable for your home. Over pricing can be far more detrimental in netting you top dollar for your home. Often the perception of your property will alter the value a Buyer will pay for it. A house that sits on the market for a long time starts to conjure up a false stigma to prospective purchasers. Buyers think “There must be something wrong with that home, it has been listed for so long” Meanwhile it is quite often just a matter of the price being set too high.
Beyond pricing and marketing your home, there is the whole other side of the equation with dealing with prospective Buyers and qualifying them. On top of that there’s making sure your home shows to its full potential. Often an Agent can be invaluable in getting an opinion on what is going to distract Buyers from the home. De-personalizing the house helps create a more appealing space to buyers. Sometimes staging is recommended. Homeowners sometimes assume the way they keep there home will be the way the new buyer will want to use it. Often a fresh perspective or an unbiased set of eyes can be helpful and make a world of difference in getting your home ready for sale.
Along with showing your home to multiple people you want to make sure the people viewing your home are qualified Buyers who are ready, willing and able to purchase the home they are previewing. The most common complaint I hear from Sellers trying to sell their own home is the amount of time wasted setting up showings for their home only to find the person is not seriously looking to move or can not get approved for a mortgage for the appropriate amount. Pre qualifying Buyers is essential in getting the right Buyer through your home and selling it. Call me today for a free no obligation consultation and see what your home is worth.